Small Heart Soap (Shape) Witout Box

Ref.: 213
0,85 €
15+ 40+ 70+ 100+
This product is not sold individually. You must select at least 10 quantity for this product.
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Product Options
Color of the soap
In the FAQs button (Personalization), you can see a picture of a soap with each of these colors.              
Fluor Yellow
Fluor Orange
Dark Orange
Dark Blue
Light Blue
Fluor Green

If you want to save this image, please right-click it, and choose save image as.


Nota: nos produtos que você personalizou com os seus critérios e depois de os “Adicionar ao carrinho”, se preferir, damos-lhe a opção de solicitar uma Maqueta com a simulação personalizada. Poderá realizar o pagamento quando a aprovar.

  • Small Heart shapped glycerin soap, no relief, dim. 35x45mm and 17mm thick. Approximate weight 20gr.
  • On average we dispatch in 3 to 5 days.
  • Choose a color for this soap.

  • The soap is presented with an aroma specifically selected by Sabonarte, from the best worldwide fragrances market.
  • The soap comes with a label containing, among other things the description of the product ingredients, the weight and the production batch.

Verify carefully measures of this product (without box):

If you choose the option "Do It Yourself", see in these videos the tasks you have to accomplish.

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